Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Da Nang
March 16, 1971
10 pm

Dear Folks,

Got that package of goodies today and five letters from the 10th and 11th. Don't worry about what you send. Everything held up OK in the last package. Might be a different story during the wet season, but I didn't have any trouble with the first package. It doesn't last that long anyway.

Start flying again tomorrow morning. Have to get up at 5:30 am. I'm the first one to fly. It's only supposed to last 5 or 10 hours. "Done Flyin'" sounds fine to me.  (Refers to naming the fishing boat back home.)

Hate to cut it short but I have to take a shower and get some sleep.


(read the next letter home)