Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Da Nang
August 29, 1971
8 pm

Dear Folks,

Forgot to mail yesterdays letter. Didn't mail it till about 2 this afternoon. I think it was yesterday or the day before that I mailed away a roll of slide film to Wards. About a week before that I mailed away a roll of color print film. So I should be getting them back soon.

The mess hall was having spare ribs for lunch today so Beckman and I had lunch at the Air Force NCO club. Cheeseburgers, Fries, and a coke. Then we went to the movies and saw "Joe." I don't think I mentioned it but yesterday evening we saw "How to Commit Marriage" with Bob Hope and Jackie Gleason in it.

I think tomorrow we're going to try and catch some sun since "Joe" is playing tomorrow again.

For the third time since about noon a colored dude came knocking at the door asking for a cigarette. That happens every day. They're too cheap to buy any so they go around knocking on doors bumming them.

I put a sign on the door, "We don't smoke cigarettes", but it's so dark in the hallway you can't read it. Half of 'em probably can't read anyway.

Finished the book "Earth Toolkit" this evening. It's written by Environmental Action, the people who organized Earth Day. It's one of the few books I've read that says what can be done instead of just saying what the problems are.

Well, have to go pick up tomorrows key list so I'll drop this letter in the mailbox on the way.


(read the next letter home)