Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Da Nang
August 18, 1971
2:15 pm

Dear Folks,

Getting ready now to go out to the airfield. They are sending 073 back up to replace 009 and somebody had to take the radio racks from 009 to 073. I'm due to fly at 6 pm tonight. According to O'Briant the ground stations are almost ready to take over. So maybe it will be cancelled. We'll see.

They are supposed to send another operator up on 073. That will give us a little more time off in between flights. It would have to be either Seacord or Claybough. More than likely it will be nobody.

I got back from my flight this morning at about 6 am. Slept most of the time I was up there. They weren't passing much traffic. Mostly commo checks.

Guess that's it for now. Maybe 073 will bring some mail.


(read the next letter home)