Rick Holt's Adventures in Vietnam
Letters Home from Vietnam, 1971

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Da Nang
September 14, 1971
10 pm

Dear Folks,

Just finished watching Hawaii Five O on TV. That's the first TV I've watched in a real long while.

Saw two movies today. Watched "How to Frame a Figg" at the main compound this afternoon and "Makenzie Break" at the RPI this evening. The RPI is serving the hot dogs a little different now. They coat them with some kind of dough mixture and deep fry them. Sort of like a pig in a blanket. Not bad for a change of pace.

Kadramas went south today for his R&R and O'Briant came up to take his place. He brought the mail. I got 8 letters.

Heard some talk today about moving us to Phu Bai. I think that was because when we originally came up here the Air Force didn't have a place for us to park. But some Air Force colonel found us a few revetments. I think the talk about Phu Bai was because the people who were suppose to coordinate everything weren't informed that we found a place to stay here in Da Nang. I hope so. I don't want to spend the next three weeks in Phu Bai.

Been reading a lot about Lam Son 810 in the papers. That's what we're up here for. We haven't actually done any flying yet.

Working on another roll of film. It already has a few pictures of me on it. I have to try and get somebody to take a few more.

The dry throat went away today but I've still got a little bit of a head cold.  A nice day of breathing salty air at the beach would cure that if only I could get there.

Time now to take advantage of one of those Da Nang luxuries, a hot shower.


(read the next letter home)